28 April 2010

Mad Mad May Day - A Burner Bazaar 5/1/2010

The  Etsy Black Rock Crew headed up by LaLinda Loca is going to be throwing their first event: the Mad Mad May Day Burner Bazaar coming up on May 1, 2010 at the Angel's Gate Cultural Center located at 3601 South Gaffey Street, San Pedro, CA. I've been so busy preparing for this show that I'm going to be tremendously relieved when it's over.  I'll be joining forces with a lot of talented Etsyans within the burner community (drink!) it's gonna be hella cool. The video above is just some of the artists who will be showcasing their arts and crafts at the event. More about the artists here.


  1. Wow, this looks like tons o fun! I am so impressed with your mad computer skills makin' all these fancy montage things. What's the "burner" about, are they also fire slingers? If I were on the west side I would have to go to this. Alas, I'm represent'n East Side yo.

  2. I gotta go google what a burner is!

    I hope you had SOOOOOOOOOo much fun!

