>> 14 February 2007
Fascinator hats or "mini" hats are the bonsai trees of the millinery world. They are minutiarized hats that are made even more sweet and charming by their diminutive size.
Check them out here.

Fascinator hats or "mini" hats are the bonsai trees of the millinery world. They are minutiarized hats that are made even more sweet and charming by their diminutive size.
Check them out here.
I am DaBomb, a 21st century digital grrl living in Los Angeles. I love to make things, I adore vintage styles and my real name means "Queen of the Fairies". Most of the items listed in my shop reflect one of these three ingredients. I create, fixate, and ultimately fabricate items listed here except for vintage items as indicated. More in my "All About Me" post. Feel free to ask me anything.
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