Google the phrase "glamour bomb" and you'll find an international guerilla art movement with the mission to enchant and raise environmental ambient faerie glamour levels. More than a random act of kindness or senseless act of beauty, the manifesto of glamour bombers everywhere is to inspire human-folk to have fun, lighten up, and to always remember: magic is everywhere! I'm a terrorist of love and you never know when you'll get glammed!
On 15 November 2005 I opened my Etsy store and it was the best thing that could have happened to me! I signed up right away and sold a bunch of furry hats. I mean a BUNCH! I got to work for myself all summer. For a brief time felt I could finally call myself an artist because I was earning an income based on my creations. If you're a creative person you know what a wonderful feeling that is.
In those days I used to be a crafty vixen. I still kinda am when I really put my mind to it. It's just that in 2005 I was dared to make a podcast because it was the word of the year according to story I heard on NPR. They don't call me DaBomb for nothing: I accepted the challenge!

Anyway, I got so engrossed with making digital new media I gradually began to get less and less crafty. There are so many hours in a day, you know? So I just began haunting blogs, Etsy stores and ArtFire stores (oh and hang out with a bunch of amazing burner artists) just to keep inspired. And as a podcaster I got to ask people a lot of questions about their art work, their creative process and their inspiration. I have to say...I really LOVE podcasting and I LOVE learning all about the people I meet.
Someday (hopefully very soon) I'd like to support myself by becoming a new media professional. It would mean the world to me!
So far I've done a few consulting gigs by giving presentations on how to use social media to a few of companies. I've also "tech" tutored some folks on a variety of subjects from Computing 101 basics to setting up a podcast in iTunes. I can't begin to express how much I love to share what I've learned. The best part is: when I see the lightbulb go off in somebody's head!
While these gigs are great, they are not paying my bills. So for right now I'm in search of a steady income. So if you have any leads I'm looking for a job! Please hook me up!!! :)