PIF It To Me Baby! (Pay It Forward on Etsy)

>> 16 April 2010

Here's a little video I made featuring some of the PIF listings I've put up on Etsy this week.

PIF stands for "Pay It Forward" and it's been a phe-bomb-enon on Etsy since I joined. The idea about a PIF listing is simple: you must do something nice for someone else. You can either list an item of your own as a PIF, or do a generous act of kindness for a friend or even a complete stranger!

Etsy PIF listings are essentially free -- the price is set at the Etsy-mandated minimum of 20 cents to post an item on the site. Some PIFs charge very inexpensive shipping, and some sellers even ship their PIF items for free.

I think PIFs are a fun way to connect with other Etsyans so I really hope that whomever purchases my PIFs enjoys them more than me having them sitting there in my craft pile all neglected and sad! :)

In most of the PIFs I offer, by the time I stick the item in a fresh new envelope, put some stamps on it, pay my Etsy fees and PayPal fees, tootle on down (by foot -- mind you) to my local post office this listing comes out even for me. It is not my intention to gouge or overprice PIFs to make a profit although I've seen many listings do this and IMHO it kinda sucks because I feel it takes away from the spirit of PIFting.

When offering a PIF it's my heart's intention to pass the item forward to you for the true cost of the item alone, not the item plus the taxes, fees, handling materials and shipping costs involved. I mean, I want to pass along a free cuppa coffee but I'm not into handing out an entirely free lunch! ;) That said and all humor aside, I truly hope you'll find my take on this as fair. A lot of my friend's are suffering from the effects of bad economy right now so I'm just trying to make the day go by a little more joyously through PIFting.

Also, while I totally ♥ repeat customers here's the deal with my PIFs: please only one PIF per person within 14 days of ordering your last PIF from me. I just want to be fair to everybody so I hope you understand and come back to see what else I'm offering.

Had enough? Ready for some PIF action? Click the image below and get yourself PIF'd!

P.S. I realize that most of my PIF's listings appear to be from the same manufacturer. Since this is not a sponsored blog I don't want to mention the brand. I just want to say that most of the stuff in my scrapper's box is from this company and it's not my intention to promote them. These PIFs are just PIFs! XD


Dustin Pearson Harlan April 19, 2010 at 7:39 AM  

I am doing a quick blog check before heading off for a little work but I am savoring this for later! I hearty-heart-heart gift giving, I know Ima be all over this "pif-ting" like a hillbilly on a biscuit!
And speaking of, I was so delighted to get my giveaway from you in the mail this weekend! I have the "Congratulations, you're a winner" on my fridge!

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